Published on: 25-10-24 10:51pm
You can now add Google reCaptcha to the seller sign-up form.The seller sign-up form is a form that the seller needs to fill out once they register for your marketplace.
To add this option, you need to go to admin panel>> Configuration >> Google reCaptcha Configuration >> Enable the option. Enable the tab and enter the Google reCaptcha site key & secret key. You need to contact Google to get the keys.
Also choose the language in which you want the reCaptcha to be visible to the sellers during the signup process.
HOW TO GET reCaptcha KEYS:
Visit the Google reCaptcha dashboard here
Click on the V3 admin console
Fill in all the details. (refer to the examples below)
Label: Any label for your indication (suggestion: seller signup ) reCAPTCHA type: v2 Checkbox
Domain: Your seller page domain without using https/ (for example: or your customized seller page domain (for example:
You will get the keys after submitting the details. Please copy these keys and save them in the reCaptcha configuration section of your Multi-vendor admin panel.
NOTE: If you have a customized seller signup page template. Please contact us at with your reCaptcha keys so that we can set this up for you.
Refer to this blog:
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