How to cancel or stop the subscription for the Multivendor app

Published on: 29-10-24 01:24am

Abhishek Chaudhary

Publicado en - 29-10-24 01:24am

To cancel the subscription, Admin can uninstall the app by following these steps.

Navigate to: Shopify backend >> Settigs >> Apps ans Sales Channel >> Click on 3 dots in front of the App >> Uninstall

NOTE:The app data will be removed within 2 business days.

If you don't want to remove the app-related data, you can pause the subscription.

For this navigate to: Admin Dashboard >> Click on 3 dots >> Upgared Plan >> Pause subscription

NOTE: While your application is paused, you need to pay 25% of your ongoing monthly Multivendor app charge. Moreover, the charges can’t get less than $10 and higher than $25 and need to be paid monthly.

Please let us know the reason for the app uninstallation so that we can assist you accordingly.

If you are having any queries related to the app, you can let us know about the same here or you can raise a ticket at

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