Is QR code are useful in Magento 2 ?

Published on: 31-12-21 10:26am

Kushal Varshney

Publicado en - 31-12-21 10:26am

Yes, Magento 2 Marketplace Reservation Booking QR Code is useful, the seller will use it to check whether the customer attending the event is valid or not. This can be done through the generation of the QR-Code for the product form of Event Booking.

The QR code can be accessed by both vendor and customer until the order status is set to be completed in the order details.

You can easily view, download PDF, or email tickets from the seller and customer, including a QR code.

This module helps the admin and the sellers to generate QR-code for the Event Booking products. This is an add-on to the marketplace advance Booking for Magento 2 module.

Please do contact us for any further queries or requirements. You can also check our Magento 2 extensions for additional features.

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