Onboarding the vendor store

Published on: 24-10-24 12:11am

Abhishek Chaudhary

Publicado en - 24-10-24 12:11am

The vendors can register in your marketplace in two ways: either you can add sellers manually, or they can register themselves via the seller login page.

To add a seller through the admin panel, Admin needs to Admin panel navigate to Marketplace >> Sellers >> Seller Listing and click the 'Add Seller' button. It will take you to the 'Add Seller' form page, where you'll need to enter details such as the seller's name, email, store address, and other relevant information.

To allow sellers to register themselves using the login link, please share the 'Public URL for Your Sellers' with them. This URL allows sellers to register and start selling their products. To obtain the 'Public URL for Your Sellers,' the admin should navigate to the Admin panel of Marketplace > Configuration > Instructions to Marketplace, and then share this URL with the sellers to facilitate their registration.

The admin can also add a "Join as Seller" link on his website navigation. From here, any user can join and become a marketplace seller. To add this menu, Admin needs to navigate to:

Shopify Backend >> Sales Channels >> Online Store >> Navigation. Add menu item, enter the name, and paste the link to YOUR PUBLIC URL FOR YOUR SELLERS.

The admin can choose to hide or unhide the field on the seller login page. To do this, navigate to the Admin panel of Marketplace > Sellers > Seller Form Settings, then check or uncheck the boxes for the fields you want to display or hide on the seller login page.

Please refer to the user guide to understand in detail: https://webkul.com/blog/shopify-multivendor-marketplace-seller-guide/#seller-login-sign-up

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