Product Price Tax Inclusive

Published on: 18-10-24 05:23pm

Abhishek Chaudhary

Publicado en - 18-10-24 05:23pm

Enable this option if you want to have the tax included in the Product Price, ie, if the product price is $100 and the tax is $5, then the admin commission will be calculated on $95 as $5 is the tax amount. If you wish to have tax over and above the product price ie, $100+$5 tax then do not enable this option, Also you need to change settings from Shopify. 

Steps to Enable:

  1. Go to the Multivendor Marketplace Admin Panel.
  2. Navigate to Configuration > Order Configuration.
  3. Enable the “PRODUCT PRICE TAX INCLUSIVE” setting

Note: Product Price Tax Inclusive will not work when Display Sales Price is Enabled.

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