Shipping cost allocation in Multi-Vendor Marketplaces

Published on: 06-03-25 06:43pm

Abhishek Chaudhary

Publicado en - 06-03-25 06:43pm

Shipping Cost Division – This setting lets the Admin distribute the Shipping cost between sellers, keep it by yourself, or charge commission from it.

  • Admin Only – The admin keeps the entire shipping cost paid by the customer.
  • Divide Between Sellers – If an order contains multiple sellers’ products, the shipping cost is distributed accordingly between the sellers.
  • Commission on Shipping – The admin can take a commission from the shipping charge, keeping a percentage while the rest goes towards the actual Sellers.

To select your shipping cost option, go to the Multivendor Marketplace Admin Panel, then navigate to Configuration > Payment Configuration, and choose from the available shipping cost options.


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