Multivendor Marketplace for Shopify: Favorite Product/Seller Feature App

Published on: 24-07-19 08:35pm

Mansi Rana

Publicado en - 24-07-19 08:35pm

This feature app will allow your customers to like Products and Sellers on your online store.

Admin/Seller can see the list of liked Sellers and the Admin can view the list of liked Products too.

Customers will get notified every time a new product or any new update is made on the existing products by their liked sellers.

Customers can view the number of likes on their favorite Products/Sellers.



Code Pasting (Frontend Configuration):

Paste the given codes in their respective liquid files:

  • product-template.liquid file

<div class="wk_like_btn" style="cursor:pointer; display:none; padding:5px; clear:both;"><a><i class="fa fa-heart-o" id="wk_icon" data-like="" data-total_count="" aria-hidden="true"></i></a><input type="hidden" class="customerid" value="{{ }}"><input type="hidden" class="productid" value="{{ }}" data-vid=""></div>>

  • customer/account.liquid file

<div id="wk-customer-likes" style="clear: both!important; margin:10px 0!important;"><input id="wk-customer-id" type ="hidden" value="{{ }}"></div>

  • page.mp_seller_profile.liquid file

<input type="hidden" class="customerid" id="customerid" value="{{}}">

  • product-template.liquid file- next to select call back number


Admin End:

Shopify Multivendor Marketplace Admin Panel > Sellers > Favorite Sellers > List of liked Sellers with the number of likes.

Shopify Multivendor Marketplace Admin Panel > Products > Favorite Products > List of liked Products with the number of likes.

Seller End:

Shopify Multivendor Marketplace Seller Panel > Profile > Liked Customers.


Shopify Multivendor Marketplace Favorite Product/Seller feature app blog.




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