Adding filters on the seller profile page

Published on: 18-12-24 05:16pm

Abhishek Chaudhary

Publié le - 18-12-24 05:16pm

To make product searches more effective for your customers, you can enable filters such as Filter by Tag, Type, and Collection on the seller profile page, To add you need to follow these steps:

1. Enable Restriction Configurations

  • Navigate to the Admin Panel of the marketplace.

  • Go to Configuration and then select Restrictions Configuration.

  • Enable the following configurations:

    • Restrict Product Tag

    • Restrict Product Type

    • Restrict Collection

2. Define the Product Tags, Types, and Collections

  • After enabling the options, you need to define the product tags, types, and collections that will be used for filtering.

  • To do so, navigate to the Admin Panel > Product Configuration > Product Tag, Product Type, Collection.

  • Add the relevant tags, types, and collections for your products.

3. Save Changes

  • Once the tags and types are added, save the changes.

4. Filters on Seller Profile Page

  • After saving the configuration, you will see the filters (tag, type, and collection) displayed on the seller profile page, allowing customers to filter products by these attributes.

For more details,  please refer to the doc:

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