For how many domain we can use the Mobikul mobile application ?

Published on: 13-09-16 07:05pm

Priyanka Srivastava

Publié le - 13-09-16 07:05pm

All of Mobikul mobile applications comes with one production single instance ( domain/subdomain ) support. You are not allowed to use more than one instance at the same time . You can Extend the license as below

  • Domain Pricing for 1-5 instances ( domain/subdomain ) – In this case you need to purchase the Mobikul mobile application Again.

  • Domain Pricing for 6-10 instances ( domain/subdomain ) – In this case you need to purchase the Mobikul mobile application Again but you will get 20% discount.

  • Domain Pricing for 11-20 instances ( domain/subdomain ) – In this case you need to purchase the Mobikul mobile application Again but you will get 25% discount.

  • Domain Pricing for 21+ instances ( domain/subdomain ) – In this case you need to purchase the Mobikul mobile application Again but you will get 30% discount.

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