Magento Marketplace 3rd Party Module Support

Published on: 28-12-21 12:36pm

Vashu Bhatt

Publié le - 28-12-21 12:36pm

Magento Marketplace 3rd Party Module Support - After the approval or auto approval of the product  all the product added by vendor / seller , will be the part of global catalog  so any module or plugin by third party will work as a normal webshop of magento but they will not work / manage from the vendor panel of the marketplace , that means vendor will not be able to manage those module features


Example - if you will use any other third party auction plugin then admin will be able to add auction but not the seller / vendor

in that case you will have to use our Marketplace vendor auction system


If you still have any issues, feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views on our Webkul Support System. 



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