Multi-level Collection in Multivendor Marketplace App for Shopify | Parent-Child Collection Setup

Published on: 06-08-21 11:45am

Mansi Rana

Publié le - 06-08-21 11:45am

You can create the Child Collections of a Collection thus creating a Multilevel Collection in the Shopify Multivendor Marketplace.

Make sure you have enabled the Restrict Collection option from the Shopify Multivendor Marketplace Admin Panel >> Configuration >> Restrict Configuration >> Enable Restrict Collection >> Save Changes.

Now, let's see how can we create Multilevel Collections:

Shopify Multivendor Marketplace Admin Panel >> Products >> Collections >> First create a collection (if not created) >> Click on three dots (under action) >> View Childs >> + Add Childs >> Enter the title and enable the Status >> Save Changes.



 Know more about the Multi-level Collection Feature



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