Payment Capture in Shopify

Published on: 27-12-19 02:44pm

Mansi Rana

Publié le - 27-12-19 02:44pm

Payment Capture is the process to authenticate the received amount of the product through the admin.

The amount can be captured in two ways:

Automatic Payment Capture- The customer’s payment method is authorized and charged automatically.

Manual Payment Capture- The customer’s payment method is authorized at the time of their order. You’ll need to capture payment before the authorization period ends.



How to configure the Payment Capture method?

Shopify Admin Panel >> Settings >> Payment Provider >> Payment Authorization >> Select the Payment Capture Method >> Save.


How to Capture Payment Manually?

Shopify Admin Panel >> Orders >> All Orders >> Click on a specific order whose payment you need to capture >> Capture Payment >> Accept.



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