Product FAQ for Shopify

Published on: 27-12-19 02:54pm

Mansi Rana

Publié le - 27-12-19 02:54pm

Write FAQs about your products, display it on the product page and clear most of your customer's doubts then and there to reduce abandoned checkouts and increase sales.

The product FAQ app will let you display FAQs about your product on the product description page at the front end.

Product FAQ for Shopify: Video Guide


Install the app from the link:

Shopify Product FAQs



How to add Product FAQ?

Shopify Admin Panel > Products > All Products > Click on a particular product > More Actions > Product FAQ > you will be redirected to Product FAQ app > Enter product name, FAQ Sequence, FAQ Title & Description > Submit.

Admin can further edit the Product FAQs added.


Code Pasting?

Paste the below code in the product-template.liquid file:

{{ '//' | stylesheet_tag }}

{{ '//' | script_tag }}

{{ '//' | script_tag }}

<div id='wk_product_faq'></div>


Configure the app:

Shopify Product FAQ app > Configuration > make the changes and submit them.


Shopify Product FAQ blog.





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