Does Adobe commerce cloud offer POS applications?

Published on: 22-12-21 01:19pm

Rajat Singh

Yayınlanan - 22-12-21 01:19pm

Adobe Commerce Cloud does not provide POS features out of the box. If you want a POS feature for Adobe Commerce Cloud then you can use Webkul's Point of Sale Extension

The Magento 2 POS extension is compatible with Commerce cloud and its MSI feature. You can create multiple outlets and sales agents. Also, the inventory can be managed per outlet.

The POS extension is completely responsive and works on all the devices (Desktop, Android, and iOS). The extension also provides the PWA feature which provides a complete app-like user experience to the sales agent. 

Please do contact-us for any further queries or requirements. We do provide complete Adobe Commerce Cloud development services. You can also check all the Magento 2 Extensions for the Enterprise Cloud Edition. 

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