Categories Synch

Published on: 20-07-16 11:53am

There are two type of categories available in eBay -

  • eBay categories – These are the default categories which are provided by eBay.
  • eBay store categories – These are the custom categories which are created by eBay shop owners.

We have provided an option on the eBay configuration page to help admin to specify whether they want to synch the products with “default eBay categories” or “custom categories”.
If they want to synch the products with “eBay custom categories” then they can also specify whether those products who have “Others” category in eBay will be synchronized with “other” category itself or with the “eBay default category” as all the products on eBay will have “default categories” including either “custom category” or “others category”  

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Genel sorgular ikamet eden bir şey belirli bir makale mi arıyorsunuz? Sadece çeşitli ilgili klasörler ve kategoriler göz atın ve sonra istediğiniz yazı bulacaksınız.

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