Compatibility with other Marketplace Extensions/Addons

Published on: 25-08-21 04:00pm

Himani Gupta

Yayınlanan - 25-08-21 04:00pm

All the marketplace addons are compatible to marketplace module. Till now we have developed various versions of marketplace module. Our marketplace addon version varies according to marketplace version.

We have “marketplace addon version 2.0.x” compatible to “marketplace version 2.0.x”

We have “marketplace addon version 2.1.x” compatible to “marketplace version 2.1.x”

We have “marketplace addon version 3.x.x” compatible to “marketplace version 3.x.x”

We have “marketplace addon version 4.0.x” compatible to “marketplace version 4.0.x”

We have “marketplace addon version 5.x.x” compatible to “marketplace version 5.x.x”

Remember to install the correct compatible version of addon for proper functioning of the module on your marketplace store.

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