Customer Order Management for Shopify

Published on: 27-12-19 04:19pm

Mansi Rana

Yayınlanan - 27-12-19 04:19pm

Let your customers manage their orders from their end! 


  • Customers can send RMA requests from their end, i.e., Return, Refund & Cancellation requests.
  • Customers can send invoice requests.
  • Customers can change their order shipping address from their end.
  • Customers will be notified of all the order related activities happening at the admin end.
  • Customers can reorder their previous orders & get a discount on them.
  • Admin can decide whether he wants his customers to redeem the discount on the current reorder or next reorder.
  • Customers who don’t have their account on your Shopify store can also manage their orders using Order Lookup functionality. 


Pricing Details:

This app comes with a free trial period of 10-days at a monthly cost of $15.

Install the app:

Video Guide:

Demo Details:

User Guide:

Customer Order Management- Main Blog






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