Can I customize the Odoo Mobikul Mobile app?

Published on: 30-12-21 03:57pm

Arpita Gupta

Yayınlanan - 30-12-21 03:57pm

To customize the  Odoo Mobikul Mobile app you need to purchase the app with the source code. If you do not want to purchase the Odoo Mobikul Mobile app with source code and want to customize it, just share your custom requirement with us and we will customize the app for you from our end. However, customization on the Odoo Mobikul Mobile app from our end will come to paid custom service.

You can also purchase the app initially without the source code and purchase the source code later in the future whenever you need it.

Have a look at the user guide of the Odoo Mobikul Mobile app here.

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For any doubt contact us at

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