Discounts on modules

Published on: 31-12-21 03:25pm

Vashu Bhatt

Yayınlanan - 31-12-21 03:25pm

We do not offer any seasonal or promotional or any discount on any of our modules.

The only offers we provide to our clients are as follows-

10% Discount And Free Installation

Webkul will offer you a 10% flat discount + free installation if the Modules purchase order value exceed 1000$ amount use coupon code wkmp1

15% Discount And Free Installation

Webkul will offer you a 15% flat discount + free installation if the Modules purchase order value exceeds 2000$ amount use coupon code wkmp15

20% Discount And Free Installation

Webkul will offer you a 20% flat discount + free installation if the Modules purchase  order value exceeds 3000$ amount use coupon code wkmp20 

Refer the link to know more -

If you still have any issues, feel free to add a ticket and let us know your views on our Webkul Support System.




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