General FAQ

Published on: 28-04-16 03:08pm

  • Can you use our odoo module with odoo online ( SaaS )?  
    Our modules can be installed in odoo community edition and odoo enterprise edition only. You cannot install our modules on odoo apps with odoo online ( SaaS ) Only official modules can be installed in odoo online, you cannot install community modules. 
  • How can you access our modules purchased?
    In case of purchased from our store website that is "", after purchases an option to download module zip will appear. If not then please raise a ticket for such issues.

    In case of purchased from odoo apps then, Log in with the Odoo Account with which you made the purchase. Go on the description page of the module you bought, you will see a download link. It is possible you need to wait at most 15 minutes for your purchase to be validated. If the download button still doesn't appear after this time and you are sure you are logged in with the same account with which you made the purchase, please contact , 
    even then your issue doesn't get resolved then simply raise a ticket and attach the purchase receipt of the module purchase stating the issue faced. 
  • How to do the module installation you purchased?
    You need to copy paste the module that is inside the zip file to your addons folder. After that, you need the Technical Features enabled to click on Settings > Update Modules List. Your new module will now appear in the list of modules that you can install. 

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Eylemi Onaylamak

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