How does the seller will be able to create auction like eBay

Published on: 04-08-21 05:38pm

Vipin Kumar mg, wc

Yayınlanan - 04-08-21 05:38pm

 The seller can create an auction like eBay Marketplace, by using this add-on called Magento2 Seller Auction Marketplace Add-on. The sellers can set auctions on their products and the buyer can bid on the product like the attached image 

Marketplace sellers can also update and delete the auction. Admin can set Automatic, Reserve, Incremental Auction for seller’s product. The seller can also set the auction option as Buy Now or Auction or both when applying the auction for their products.

This module is an add-on to the Magento 2 Marketplace Module. To use this module you must have installed Webkul Magento 2 Multi-Vendor Marketplace Module first.

You can check our clients' Success Stories where many of our clients are using the Marketplace module. 

Please do contact us for any further queries or requirements. You can also check our Magento 2 Extensions for additional features. 


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