Is there any way by which seller and buyer can communicate?

Published on: 18-10-21 07:20pm

Saurabh Singh

Yayınlanan - 18-10-21 07:20pm

Yes, with the help of Marketplace Buyer Seller Chat for WordPress WooCommerce buyers and sellers can communicate with each other.

This is a chat system that helps Marketplace Seller and the Marketplace Buyer to start the conversation.

In this plugin, any buyer can initiate a chat with any seller. The buyer can ask queries related to the product that the seller is selling or any upcoming products information, and seller can also reply to any buyer about their queries.

A healthy conversation between a buyer and a seller leads to more sales conversions. 

Please do contact us for any further queries or requirements. You can also check our Woocommerce Plugins for additional features.

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