Can I make payment using RFID card in WooCommerce POS?

Published on: 22-07-22 05:00pm

Rajat Singh

Yayınlanan - 22-07-22 05:00pm

Yes, if you want a feature where your customers can make payments using RFID on your WooCommerce POS system then you can use our WooCommerce POS RFID Card Add-on

In this add-on, the admin or the sales agent can add/update RFID and its amount for the customers. Accordingly, the customer can visit the store and make payment with their RFID card through an RFID card reader integrated on with POS. 

Please do contact-us for any further queries or requirements. We provide complete WooCommerce Development Services. You can also check all the WordPress WooCommerce Plugins on our store. 

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