Multivendor Marketplace for Shopify: Admin Staff Feature App

Published on: 27-12-19 03:03pm

Saurav Pathak

Yayınlanan - 27-12-19 03:03pm

Using the Shopify Multivendor Marketplace Admin Staff feature app, the Admin can now add Admin Staff Members to his Shopify Multivendor Marketplace Store and grant them different permissions that they can access and help you with managing the store.

Admin can monitor all the activities of all the staff members added to his store and can edit/delete/disable them anytime he wants.

Admin can manage the permissions that are to be given to different admin staff members as per his requirements.


How to add Admin Staff Member?

Shopify Multivendor Marketplace Admin Panel > Sellers > My Staff > Add Staff > Enter Staff Details > Select the permissions that you want to grant to this particular staff member > Save.

The added admin staff member will get notified for the save via mail with login credentials.

This mail can be configured by the Admin:

Shopify Multivendor Marketplace Admin Panel > Mail Configuration > Mail Configuration > Admin Staff Added > Enable Status > Edit the details if you want > Save.

Admin Staff Account Public URL:

Shopify Multivendor Marketplace Admin Panel > Configuration > Instructions for Marketplace > 'Your public URL for your staff'.


Do check out the Shopify Multivendor Marketplace Admin Staff feature app blog.  




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