Let your customers raise their queries directly to you | Ask a Question feature app

Published on: 24-07-19 08:24pm

Mansi Rana

Yayınlanan - 24-07-19 08:24pm

What's best if your customers can raise their queries about a product or anything relevant directly to you and you can clear their doubts. This will increment your sales as most of your customer's doubts will be sorted out. Using this app:

  • Customers can directly ask questions about a product.
  • Those queries can be seen and replied by both the Seller and the admin.
  • A conversation history will be saved and can be view later by the Seller or the Admin.



Configure the Ask a Question feature app labels from the Shopify Multivendor Marketplace Admin Panel >> Ask a Question Configuration >> Edit the labels if you want >> Save.

From Products >> Ask a Question section, you can view the list of questions asked by the customers. From the Action column, Admin can open and read the conversation. He can also close the query.

From the Shopify Multivendor Marketplace Seller Panel >> Products >> Ask a Question section, Seller can view the list of questions asked by the customer which he can reply to as well as he can close the query.

To make it visible on the frontend, Admin needs to paste the codes given below in their respective liquid files:

product-template.liquid file-

<div id="wk-askme"> {% if customer %} <input id="wk-is-login" type="hidden" value="{{ customer.email }}"> <input id="wk-cust-name" type="hidden" value="{{ customer.name }}"> {% endif %} <input id="wk-id-product" type="hidden" value="{{ product.id }}"> </div>

customer/account.liquid file-

<div id="wk-customer-queries"> <input id="wk-customer-email" type="hidden" value="{{ customer.email }}"> </div>

After this, an 'Ask a Question' button will be visible on the product page using which customers can ask their queries. Also, from their account page, they can view all the queries asked by them by clicking on the 'View your Queries' button.


This is pretty much it about the Ask a Question feature app. 

You may also have a look at its blog.



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