Is payment and Shipping gateway integration included in the Odoo Mobikul Mobile app?

Published on: 28-12-21 02:21pm

Arpita Gupta

Udgivet på - 28-12-21 02:21pm

With our Odoo Mobikul Mobile app, we provide one free payment gateway integration mentioned in the list here

The payment gateway other than the list which is mentioned here will come under the paid integration with the Odoo Mobikul Mobile app.

For other payment gateways, its integration with the Odoo Mobikul Mobile App will be charged and you can continue with your personal preference of payment gateways.

Note: The free integration does not include the module cost. So you need to have the payment gateway website module.

Also, by default, most of the shipping methods get compatible automatically with the app but in the case of some shipping methods, it may require additional paid customization to make them compatible with the Odoo Mobikul Mobile app.

Please do contact us in case of any further queries. We’ll be more than happy to assist you.

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