Payment receiver configuration

Published on: 16-10-24 06:49pm

Abhishek Chaudhary

Udgivet på - 16-10-24 06:49pm

Payment receiver

Activate this option to designate who will receive the payment when the order status is pending or if the payment has been made through Cash on Delivery (COD).

To enable the payment receiver option, access the Multivendor Marketplace Admin Panel, then go to Configuration > Payment Configuration and activate the relevant options.

  1. Pending
    • Choose whether the payment will be received by the admin or the seller when the payment status is pending.

  2. COD
    • Choose whether the payment will be received by the admin or the seller when the order amount is paid through Cash on Delivery (COD).

  3. Allow seller to capture payment for COD
    • Enable this option to allow your sellers to capture Cash on Delivery (COD) payments, but only after the payment has been received by the seller.
    • To enable the option that allows sellers to capture payments for Cash on Delivery (COD), go to the Multivendor Marketplace Admin Panel. Navigate to Configuration > Payment Configuration, enable the payment receiver option, and then activate the setting that allows sellers to capture COD amounts.

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