Multivendor Marketplace for Shopify: Seller Banner

Published on: 25-07-19 11:43am

Mansi Rana

Yayınlanan - 25-07-19 11:43am

Shopify Multivendor Marketplace lets the Admin upload Seller Banners for his Sellers. The Sellers can too upload the Banner for their storefront from their end.

Seller banners can be uploaded in two types: Image or Video.


How the Admin can upload Seller Banner for a specific Seller?

Shopify Multivendor Marketplace Admin Panel >> Sellers >> Seller Listing >> Select the particular Seller, Click on the three dots under Action menu >> Edit >> Store Banner Image >> Upload Banner >> Select Banner Type >> Finish Uploading.



How can the Seller upload his own store banner?

Shopify Multivendor Marketplace Seller Panel >> Profile >> My Account >> Similarly, the Seller will get an option to upload the banner.




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