Create JS SDK token | How to create a Shopify private app?

Published on: 27-12-19 03:15pm

Mansi Rana

Yayınlanan - 27-12-19 03:15pm

To create a Shopify private app, follow the process:

Shopify Backend (Admin) >> Apps >> Click on 'Manage private apps'


Now, you will have three sections on this page to configure:

  • App details:

Enter a name for your private app & enter an emergency developer email (you can enter your email ID to receive app-related emails).


  • Admin API:

Now, add permissions for data that your private app can access. Select read/write permissions for all the entries as per your need.


  • Storefront API:

Check the box if you want to allow this app to access your storefront data using the Storefront API and select the storefront API permissions.


Now, save the configuration and click on 'I understand, create the app'.

The created app will be visible in the Private apps section with API Key:




For more, have a look at the Create JS SDK token blog.




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