Cancel subscription or Pause Webkul Product Auction app on Shopify

Published on: 25-10-24 11:01pm

Abhishek Chaudhary

Published on - 25-10-24 11:01pm

To cancel your subscription and payment for the Product Auction App, please uninstall it from your Shopify store. This will automatically terminate your subscription.

We’d also love to hear your feedback—your insights are invaluable and help us enhance our services.

To proceed with canceling your subscription, simply uninstall the Product Auction App from your Shopify store. Once uninstalled, your subscription will be automatically terminated.

Here are the steps to uninstall the app:

1. Access your Shopify store backend.
2. Navigate to Settings.
3. Visit the “Apps and Sales Channel” section.
4. Click the “Uninstall” button on the Product Auction App.

Note: If you uninstall our Product Auction App, all data will be removed with 2 days. If you do not want to lose the app data,

You can also pause the app. You will be charged 7 USD per month for the paused plan.


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