Published on: 24-06-20 03:17pm
If you are using Seller Tags & Categories: Multi-Vendor Marketplace for Shopify, filter option on the basis of categories & tags is by-default activated for themes 1,2 & 3.
In case you need the same for theme 4 as well, you need to add the following codes in the given template:
Instruction: Add this to the top of the file: Edit Theme Template (Multivendor Admin Panel > Sellers > Seller Profile Page Settings > Seller Listing Theme Edit)
{if $include_fa}<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">{/if}
Instruction: Add this after <!-- sort by and search block end --> line: Edit Theme Template (Multivendor Admin Panel > Sellers > Seller Profile Page Settings > Seller Listing Theme Edit)
{if $store_pickup_active == 1 || $seller_time_slot_active == 1 || ($seller_tags_and_category_active && (!empty($seller_categories) || !empty($seller_tags)))}
<div class="col-md-3 col-lg-3 col-sm-3 col-xs-12">
{if $store_pickup_active == 1 || $seller_time_slot_active ==1}
<div id="filter_div" >
<div class="wk-filter-desktop">
<div id="filter-type-block" style=" margin-bottom:15px;">
<button class="" style="margin-bottom:5px;">Filters </button>
<div id="filter-pickup-and-availability" class="wk_seller_panel">
{if $store_pickup_active == 1}
<li class="pointer" id ="wk_store_pickup_filter">
<label class="wk-checkbox" >
<input class="hidden" type="checkbox" name="filter[]" data-filter_for="filter-pickup-and-availability" value="1" {if $pickup_val == 1}checked{/if}>
<!-- <input type="checkbox" data-for = "pickup" value="1" {if $pickup_val == 1}checked{/if}> -->
<div class="checkmark"></div>
<div class="wk-filter-name">Only Store Pickup</div>
<li class="pointer" id ="wk_both_filter">
<label class="wk-checkbox" >
<input class="hidden" type="checkbox" name="filter[]" data-filter_for="filter-pickup-and-availability" value="2" {if $pickup_val == 2}checked{/if}>
<!-- <input type="checkbox" data-for = "pickup" value="2" {if $pickup_val == 2}checked{/if}> -->
<div class="checkmark"></div>
<div class="wk-filter-name"> Store pickup + Delivery</div>
{if $seller_time_slot_active == 1 }
<li class="pointer" id ="">
<label class="wk-checkbox" >
<input class="hidden" id="closed_stores" type="checkbox" name="filter[]" data-filter_for="filter-pickup-and-availability" value="3" {if $filter == 3}checked{/if}>
<div class="checkmark" ></div>
<div class="wk-filter-name">Closed stores</div>
<li class="pointer" id ="">
<label class="wk-checkbox" >
<input class="hidden" id="open_stores" type="checkbox" name="filter[]" data-filter_for="filter-pickup-and-availability" value="4" {if $filter == 4}checked{/if}>
<div class="checkmark"></div>
<div class="wk-filter-name"> Open stores</div>
{if $seller_tags_and_category_active}
{if !empty($seller_tags)}
<div id="filter_tag">
<div class="wk-filter-desktop">
<div id="filter-type-block" style=" margin-bottom:15px;">
<button class="wk-accordion" style="margin-bottom:5px;">Select By Tags </button>
<div id="filter-tag" class="wk_seller_panel">
{foreach $seller_tags as $key => $value}
<li class="pointer" data-value = "{$value.tag_name}" data-for = "tag" id ="tag_{$key}"><label class="wk-checkbox" ><input type="checkbox" name="tag[]" data-filter_for = "tag" value="{$}" {if in_array($, $seller_tags_filter)}checked{/if}><div class="checkmark"></div><div class="wk-filter-name"> {$}</div></label></li>
{if !empty($seller_categories)}
<div id="filter_category">
<div class="wk-filter-desktop">
<div id="filter-type-block" style=" margin-bottom:15px;">
<button class="wk-accordion" style="margin-bottom:5px;">Select By Category </button>
<div id="filter-cat" class="wk_seller_panel">
{foreach $seller_categories as $key => $value}
<li class="pointer" data-value = "{$}" data-for = "category" id ="category_{$key}"><label class="wk-checkbox"> <input type="checkbox" name="category[]" data-filter_for="category" value="{$}" {if in_array($, $seller_cat_filter)}checked{/if}><div class="checkmark"></div><div class="wk-filter-name"> {$value.category_name}</div></label></li>
Instruction: Add this to Edit Theme Template (Multivendor Admin Panel > Sellers > Seller Profile Page Settings > Seller Listing Theme Edit)
<div class="{if $store_pickup_active == 1 || $seller_time_slot_active == 1 || ($seller_tags_and_category_active && (!empty($seller_categories) || !empty($seller_tags)))}col-md-9 col-lg-9 col-sm-9 col-xs-12 sellers_grid{/if}" style="padding-right:unset !important;">
<!-- your seller listing block -->
<!-- pagination block start -->
Instruction: Add this to the end of Edit Theme CSS (Multivendor Admin Panel > Sellers > Seller Profile Page Settings > Seller Listing Theme Edit)
border:1px solid grey;
margin-right: 10px;
If you have any issues, please drop an email at You can also create a ticket at Webkul UV Desk.
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